Serial Port Communication Asp Net

P: n/a

Hi All,
I've written an ASP.NET application (webservice) that does simple serial
communications via the .NET 2.0 SerialComm object.
The application runs fine on my development machine. The problem is when we
try to deploy it to another machine we receive: ACCESS IS DENIED TO COM1 PORT.
We have tried unsuccessfully to get this to work. We have tried the following:
1) Assign the IUSR.... account to Administrators
2) We have actually had the local administrator account run the webservice
3) rebooted
4) stopped and restarted IIS - etc. etc.
We are unable to resolve this. Is there a special permission that the
account needs? Once again we are running XP Pro and it works fine in
development but we can't get it to run on this other machine!!!!
Also - we have implemented the same code using a regular client application
and it works fine (i.e. copied all the code out and put it in a simple
windows form and we're fine).
The problem is running it as a webservice. It does not work!
Any thoughts - comments are appreciated! Thanks!
Franklin M. Gauer III
Applications Development Manager
Integrated Companies, Inc.

We introduce in this paper, to the best of our knowledge, a new approach to perform serial port communication on client devices from a dynamic web application implemented using ASP.NET.

Set Same Terminator for Read and Write Communication

  • ConfigureTerminator (device,terminator) defines the terminator for both read and write communications with the specified serial port. Allowed terminator values are 'LF' (default), 'CR', 'CR/LF', and integer values from 0 to 255. The syntax sets the Terminator property of device.
  • I am trying to developing a program with mvc 5 that sends and receives commands from the serial port on the server side. Actually, I have a piece of hardware that is connected to the server and I want to send command to this hardware and get a Response from that.

Create a connection to a serial port device using serialport.

Set both the read and write terminators to 'CR/LF'.

Confirm the change.

Set Different Terminators for Read and Write Communication


Create a connection to a serial port device using serialport.

Serial port communication asp net login

Web-based Approach For Client Serial-port Communication Using

Set the read terminator to 'CR' and the write terminator to 10.

Confirm the change.

The first element in the array is the read terminator and the second is the write terminator.

Write and Read Line of ASCII Data from Serial Port Device

Create a connection to a serial port device. In this example, the serial port at COM3 is connected to a loopback device.

Check the default ASCII terminator.

Acces Serial Port Communication

Set the terminator to 'CR' and write a string of ASCII data. The writeline function automatically appends the terminator to the data.

Write another string of ASCII data with the terminator automatically appended.

Since the port is connected to a loopback device, the data you write to the device is returned to MATLAB®. Read a string of ASCII data. The readline function returns data until it reaches a terminator.

Serial Port Communication Asp Net

Serial Port Communication Asp Net Worth


Read a string of ASCII data again to return the second string that you wrote.

Serial Port Communication In C#

Clear the serial port connection.